Board Descriptions
Position Summary:
Provide leadership to the local chapter consistent with state, regional, and SHRM policy, strategies and objectives. Effectively operate the chapter so that the needs of the members are met. Perform other duties as required by the local chapter's bylaws. Serve as a voting member of the state council.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The state council director
- Conduct the business of the chapter in accordance with the chapter bylaws and serve as chairperson of the chapter's board of directors.
- Preside over the activities of all officers and directors, as well as standing committees, to ensure the accomplishment of chapter goals, objectives, and strategies.
- Monitor the use, accounting, and handling of the chapter funds.
- Chair all meetings of chapter officers and members.
- Participate in/Lead the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend state council meetings and actively participate in state council matters. Provide information to state council as an elected representative of the chapter. Appoint proxy to attend state council meetings when unable to attend.
- Maintain communication with the state council director and the SHRM Regional Team.
- Communicate state, regional and/or SHRM’s goals, policies, and programs to chapter members. Represent the state council to local chapter leaders and the membership.
Assist the president in overseeing all the activities of the chapter. In the absence of the president, perform all the presidential responsibilities.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- Perform all special projects as assigned by the president.
- Upon request, assist all officers in performing their responsibilities.
- Attend (and preside over, if necessary) all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
Advise the president and other officers and members of the board of directors regarding past practices, general operations, and other matters to assist in the smooth operation of the chapter.
Responsible To:
- The chapter president
- The chapter board of directors
- The members of the chapter
- Act as advisor to chapter board of directors regarding past practices and operations in accordance with chapter’s bylaws. Upon request, assist officers in performing their responsibilities.
- Serve as chair of the Bylaws and Nominating Committees.
- As chair of Bylaws Committee, review bylaws annually and recommend any needed changes to board of directors.
- As chair of Nominating Committee, develop a slate of qualified candidates for open positions on the board of directors in accordance with the bylaws. Communicate the nominees to fill open positions to the membership for a vote.
- Accumulate information all year about the chapter and compile it for the SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) Year-End Report submitted to SHRM by January 31 each year. Submission of the year-end report is required by SHRM and covers the previous calendar year.
- Prepares submissions for chapter Pinnacle Award nominations, if applicable.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
Play the key role in maintaining the health and growth of your Chapter membership. Work with President and chapter leadership (and SHRM National) to engage existing members and attract new members. Execute membership acquisition and renewal campaigns on an ongoing basis. Be the face of Membership for your chapter!
Assist HR professionals and businesses excel through utilizing membership benefits. Engage members through chapter activities. Expand chapter outreach through connections with those that could benefit from membership.
Responsible To:
- The chapter president
- The members of the chapter
- Monitor and share membership metrics with the board so that you can see increases or decreases in membership in a timely fashion and take action as appropriate.
- Develop and execute short-term and long-term membership strategic plans.
- Help members and potential members learn about the value of membership and how this can advance their career and benefit their organization.
a) Provide information about dual membership benefits on the chapter website, chapter social media sites, and in the chapter newsletter (if applicable). b) Reinforce key membership benefits by sharing at every meeting – it's amazing how quickly people lose sight of various benefits, so you have to remind them!
- Provide opportunities for members to connect as this has a direct correlation to membership retention and engagement. These are key activities that improve year over year renewals:
a) Host New Member Onboarding meetings/webinars so members get the most from their SHRM and Chapter Membership. b) Schedule ongoing networking events for members and prospective members.
- Encourage At-Large (SHRM members in the area who aren’t chapter members) to join the chapter.
- Know your members.
- Manage the membership list and directory to ensure its up-to-date and changes are provided to SHRM.
- Utilize the data to provide information to other board members such as positions held, industries represented, etc. This will guide the chapter in event planning and other activities.
- Ensure chapter meets minimum SHRM affiliation requirements.
- Check periodically with members whose email addresses no longer work to obtain their updated information.
- Be an active board member by providing membership updates and information at every chapter event and board of directors’ meetings.
- Learn from other chapters and share your chapter’s successes and challenges. Work with the State Council Membership Director to connect to other chapters.
- Take an active role in the human resources community to provide information about the value of membership.
- Must be a SHRM national and Chapter member in good standing
Manage the Chapter’s SHRM Certification program. Increase the number of chapter members who are certified as SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP by the SHRM Certification Commission. Encourage members to become certified and recertified.
Responsible To:
- The members of the Chapter
- The Chapter President
- State Council Certification Director
- In partnership with the Chapter Board, the State Council, and SHRM staff [Certification Relations Specialist-Chapters & State Councils and Field Services Director (FSD)], establish Chapter certification and recertification goals and work toward achieving successful outcomes.
- Serve as SHRM Recertification Provider point of contact for the Chapter account.
- At least one time during the year, utilize the SHRM Certification and Recertification presentations for affiliates, and report outcomes back to SHRM staff. The presentation templates are available on the Volunteer Leaders’ Resource Center (VLRC):
- Coordinate with the lead instructor and/or lead, plan, and arrange for speakers and materials at the SHRM certification study group meetings.
- Make announcements about benefits of SHRM certification and/or provide newsletter copy or web site text on benefits.
- Provide information about the chapter’s SHRM certification study group at membership meetings, on chapter website, chapter social media sites, and in the chapter newsletter (if applicable).
- If there is no chapter study group, provide information to members about alternative study methods.
Recognize at meetings those who became SHRM certified through the pathway process or pass the test. Forward a list of known SHRM certified members to the chapter membership chair and newsletter chair for publication and recognition. Provide information about recertification Professional Development Credits (PDCs) to members including online tracking program. Provide information about any changes in recertification requirements. Work with the chapter program chair to secure and maintain the SHRM Certification Preferred Provider status for applicable chapter programs. Maintain communication with the state council certification director and SHRM staff as needed. Participate in SHRM Certification Core Leadership Area teleconferences/webcasts and disseminate information to Chapter Board and membership. Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter. Represent the chapter in the human resource community. Attend all monthly membership and Board of Directors’ meetings.
- 1. Must be a SHRM national and Chapter member in good standing.
- 2. Chapter Certification Director must be certified as a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
Serves as an appointed member of the chapter board of directors. Continuously monitors and evaluates local activities addressing the broad spectrum of workforce readiness issues impacting both students and other untapped labor pools. Plans and encourages chapter involvement and activities impacting the workforce readiness arena based on local needs. Presents periodic reports or updates to the chapter president and fellow chapter members. Works in cooperation with state-level workforce readiness director/advocate.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- State Council Workforce Readiness Director
- Serve as advocate and program coordinator for workforce readiness chapter activities.
- Partner with local schools, business entities and other non-SHRM workforce readiness coordinators to share information and discuss potential initiatives and partnerships.
- Identify and evaluate issues that impact workforce readiness and develop goals for chapter workforce readiness strategy.
- Report on workforce readiness issues to chapter members and serve as advocate at chapter activities and programs involving workforce readiness topics.
- Serve as a resource for chapter members on workforce readiness issues and provide leadership to the chapter on workforce readiness issues.
- Monitor local activities concerning workforce readiness and provide timely information to the chapter president and state workforce readiness director.
- Work in close cooperation with state workforce readiness director.
- Develop and support workshops and seminars that address workforce readiness issues.
- Provide special recognition for chapter members and for local programs that promote betterment of the local workforce readiness.
- Respond to any other requirements of the chapter president and state workforce readiness director.
- Participate in SHRM Workforce Readiness Core Leadership Area volunteer leader conference calls and webcasts.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors’ meetings.
Manage the scholarship program, internship program, and college outreach efforts.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- State Council College Relations Director
- Develop scholarship application evaluation criteria and design the appropriate materials.
- Promote the scholarship program and internship program to local colleges and universities.
- Evaluate applications and recommend recipients.
- Make recommendations on changes to scholarship program (i.e., scholarship amount, number of recipients).
- Oversee the internship program. Send out requests to local HR professionals/chapter members requesting internship postings. Forward openings to members of local student chapters or to faculty members.
- Communicate with local faculty/colleges to provide classroom visits to discuss HR topics, the Chapter, internships/scholarships, SHRM membership, etc. Act as mentor to college students seeking a career in HR.
- Recommend community service projects to be supported by the chapter.
- Serve as liaison between members of the college relations committee.
- Participate in the SHRM College Relations Core Leadership Area conference calls and webcasts.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director
Serve as an appointed member of the chapter board of directors. Monitor and evaluate on a continuing basis local activities concerning diversity issues. Spearhead the effort to diversify the chapter's membership/leadership and to publicize successful diversity programs in the local community.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- State Council Diversity Director
- Develop and/or distribute information and materials to chapter members to promote diversity in the workplace.
- Publicize to chapter members examples of successful diversity efforts being undertaken by chapter members in their particular workplaces.
- Identify minorities and other individuals with diverse backgrounds in the local area who might be interested in joining the chapter.
- Identify current chapter members with diverse backgrounds who might be interested in volunteer leadership opportunities.
- Be available for presentations if and when appropriate, or help to identify both diversity programs/speakers for conferences or chapter programs and speakers with diverse backgrounds for conferences or chapter programs.
- Network with other diversity directors from other chapters within the state.
- Coordinate efforts in developing diversity initiatives that can serve as models for other chapters.
- Participate in SHRM Diversity Core Leadership Area conference calls and webcasts.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
Serve as an appointed/elected member of the chapter leadership. Monitor and evaluate on a continuing basis pending legislative, regulatory and legal action at the federal, state, and local level that may have an impact on the management of human resources. Present a legislative report or update to the chapter president and fellow chapter members. Inform elected officials of SHRM's position on legislation affecting the human resources profession. Work in close cooperation with the State Public Affairs Director and the Senior Associate, State Affairs at SHRM headquarters in carrying out these responsibilities. It is advisable that the chapter legislative representative serve a multiple-year term.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- State Council Legislative Director
- Attend and participate in all scheduled chapter meetings.
- Provide a legislative affairs report to members at chapter meetings.
- Maintain contact with state legislators and Member of Congress.
- Monitor state and local government activities and provide timely information on public policy issues to the chapter president, state council legislative affairs director, and the SHRM’s Government Affairs Department.
- Encourage chapter members to respond to legislative alerts issued by SHRM's Government Affairs Team.
- Work in close cooperation with the state council legislative affairs director and SHRM’s Government Affairs Department.
- Serve as a program speaker and advocate at chapter activities or other professional meetings.
- Develop and support workshops and seminars that address public affairs issues.
- Respond to any other requirements of the chapter president and state council legislative affairs director.
- Inform chapter members about SHRM’s Advocacy Team (A-Team) program and how to use the letter-writing feature of the HR Policy Action Center under the “Legal Issues & Public Policy tab on the SHRM website.
- Promote within the chapter increased knowledge and activities for influencing legislation.
- Write regular legislative updates for chapter newsletter.
- Participate in the SHRM Government Affairs Core Leadership Area conference calls and webcasts.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
Professional Development Director
Coordinates the human resource training and development activities for the state council, SHRM professional chapters and their members.
Responsible To:
- The State Council Director
- Serves as a voting member of the state council and is expected to attend and participate in all meetings of the council.
- Reports to the state director on a regular basis concerning chapter member training and development activities, accomplishments and opportunities within the state.
- Assists the state council and chapters with human resource professional development programs for members.
- Develops and/or conducts council orientation initiatives.
- Conducts an annual leadership training program for state council and professional chapter leaders.
- Develops and/or coordinates council orientation initiatives.
- Maintains a clearinghouse of chapter speaker information and program topics. Coordinates a statewide HR Speakers’ Bureau. Works with chapter leaders by providing resources for chapter programs.
- Provides support and direction to chapter leaders to complete the Chapter SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) Year-End Report.
Educate, promote, and represent the interests of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the chapter membership.
Responsible To:
- The chapter president
- The members of the chapter
- Educate the chapter regarding the purpose and ongoing activities of the SHRM Foundation including the Foundation’s newest education resources, the status of the annual campaign and upcoming deadlines and events.
- Encourage the chapter membership to contribute financially to the SHRM Foundation as a show of support for the human resources profession.
- Encourage the chapter membership to support an annual chapter contribution to the SHRM Foundation by the chapter.
- Participate in the SHRM Foundation Core Leadership Area webinars.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
- Upon completion of the position’s term, assist the incoming SHRM Foundation Director to assure a smooth transition of responsibilities and continuity of knowledge and resources.
Promotes awareness of the purpose and actions of the chapter through ongoing communication efforts and branding initiatives, using the social media tools. Makes sure that HR professionals, both within and without of SHRM are fully informed of chapter resources and activities by using existing and developing social media. Works closely with other chapters members to ensure that the chapter is portraying a consistent and professional image to its members and to the business community at large.
Responsible To:
- The chapter president
- The members of the chapter
- Evaluate the social media landscape and decide what platforms will be good tools for the chapter.
- Work to understand and develop an effective strategy for use of new media, giving serious consideration as to how this impacts the roles of the chapter’s, technology director as well as the public relations director.
- Develop a cyberspace persona and become immersed in the culture and use of new media as a representative of the chapter.
- Work to educate other chapter members about the use of new media, both from a technical prospective and from a business approach. Plan to host a session on new media at the chapter conferences.
- Develop and implement a strategy to use new media in promoting and presenting our chapter conference. This includes advocating for blog panels, free conference wireless internet and social media conference space.
- Develop relationship with SHRM to understand SHRM’s position on social media, and to help promote this position at the state and local level.
- Consult with other chapter representatives to compare best practices on use of new media, in various applications, and how they are used to promote chapter and chapter conferences.
- Work with the chapter conference chairperson to ensure a strong social media presence at the state conference.
- Performs other related projects as agreed upon.
Manage the activities of the conference committee to provide conference programs for the chapter membership.
Responsible To:
- The chapter president
- The members of the chapter
- Chair meetings of the conference committee to select topics and speakers for programs and to provide information on topics of broad interest to members.
- Recruit members to serve on conference committee.
- Select the site/location for the conference and meet with site personnel about services, etc.
- Negotiate contracts with site personnel, vendors, hotels, caterers, etc.
- Develop a timeline and budget for the conference.
- Coordinate efforts with state chapters and state council to best serve the membership.
- Serve as resource to committee members in arranging periodic/regular meetings of the committee.
- Contact potential speakers and make arrangements for selected meetings. Write articles for newsletters describing the programs.
- Provide information regarding programs and services to the administrative office, newsletter editor, members, and others through presentations, written communications, and personal contact.
- Promote the conference to chapter members, state council members, and at-large members as well as any other possible attendees. Obtain mailing lists from chambers of commerce, other associations, etc.
- Review final preparations to assure that conference runs smoothly.
- Review program evaluations for feedback to be used in planning future events.
- Serve as liaison between the members of the conference committee.
Take minutes of chapter meetings, provide notice of meetings and general correspondence. Maintain chapter records and history.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- Upon the advice of the president, the secretary should issue notice of officer and board of directors' meetings. After consultation with the president, the secretary could prepare copies of the agenda for such meetings.
- Maintain a record of attendance and prepare the minutes of all officers' and directors' meetings and regular chapter meetings.
- Keep an up-to-date roster of names and addresses of all chapter members. If addresses are changed, the secretary should notify SHRM headquarters.
- Distribute to the membership all meeting announcements, newsletters, and other information.
- Transmit all necessary annual election information to the membership and advise SHRM through the use of the online Chapter Leader Information Form (CLIF).
- Chair the telephone committee, organizing members to call other members, informing them about meetings, speakers, events, changes, etc.
- Maintain and update a chapter library (books and references).
- File all personnel information, job opportunity letters, and other pertinent information (if chapter engages paid staff).
- Handle all correspondence in relation to SHRM membership applications and forward all applications to SHRM upon receipt.
- File in the Chapter Procedures Manual or other permanent record:Those original chapter bylaws and dated copies of each amendment to those bylaws; a list of current officers, committee members, and general membership; copies of all chapter publications; approved and signed minutes of all board of directors and membership meetings; chapter charter; legal documents such as IRS Letters of Determination, Articles of Incorporation.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.
Act as financial officer and advisor to chapter board of directors. Maintains the chapter mailbox and distributes mail to the appropriate officer, director, or chair. Send dues notices and other invoices to members. File appropriate forms and information with IRS.
Responsible To:
- The members of the chapter
- The chapter president
- Fulfill the role of financial officer and advisor.
- The treasurer, as an elected officer of the chapter, is a responsible member of the chapter's board of directors and must take part in discussion and action on all business of the chapter. As financial advisor of the chapter, the treasurer must be in a position to assess the financial implications of proposed actions by the board of directors and inform the committee prior to final decisions being made. Also, the treasurer must observe the financial direction of the chapter, recognize possible financial problems, and bring such problems to the attention of the board of directors for action.
- The treasurer shall receive, hold, and safeguard in the capacity of trustee and financial agent, all funds for the chapter.
- The treasurer shall disburse such funds only for normal and usual uses unless the chapter's board of directors shall otherwise direct.
- Participate in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the chapter.
- Represent the chapter in the human resources community.
- Attend all monthly membership and board of directors meetings.